MAGNUM Career Transition Workshops (Online)

MAGNUM Trainings

Career Transition Workshops (Online)*

Schedules, Registrations, Payments

Readiness for the Superintendency in New York State (online)

… for school administrator thinking about or moving towards the Superintendency.
[Details HERE] via ZOOM
One 2-hour session
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2025
[Registration closes day before]
[Step 1. Registration PENDING] [Step 2. Payment information]

Applying for the Superintendency in New York State (online)

…for experienced administrators applying or preparing to apply for the position of Superintendent of Schools.
[Details HERE] via ZOOM
One 2-hour session
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2025
[Registration closes day before]
[Step 1. Registration PENDING] [Step 2. Payment information]

Aspiring Superintendents Workshop Series (online)

..of value to any school district administrator interested in the superintendency
[Details HERE]
Fourteen hours (Seven 2-hour sessions), via ZOOM
All sessions are recorded for participant review
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM each day
Spring 2025 Registration Closed
Fall 2025 – dates to be determined
Orientation to the Superintendency
– Dr. Terry Dougherty & Dr. Darcy Woodcock
Legal and Ethical Foundations of the Superintendency
– Dr. Sue Gray
Superintendent-Board Relations
– Dr. Donna DeSiato
Superintendent Fiscal Leadership
– Dr. Sue McLeod
[Registration closes one week prior to session]
[Step 1. Registration PENDING] [Step 2. Payment information]

Fiscal Navigation for Superintendents (online)
– including fiscal strategies and long range planning

…for Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents,
School Business Officials, Aspiring Superintendents,
and other leaders. Powerful for leadership teams. 
[Details HERE] via ZOOM
Fifteen hours (Five 3-hour sessions), via Zoom
All sessions are recorded for participant review
9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon each day
Fall 2025 – dates to be determined
[Registration closes first day ]
[Step 1. Registration PENDING]  [Step 2. Payment information]

Successful Transition Into a New Administrative Position (online)

…for the first time administrator or when moving into a new administrative position
– Assistant Superintendents, School Business Official,
Building Principal or Assistant Principal, Director,
Department Chair, or other administrators
– either moving up inside or changing districts
[Details HERE] via ZOOM
Two 2-hour sessions
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM each day
Spring 2025 – Dates to be determined
[Registration closes one day prior]
[Step 1. Registration Pending]  [Step 2. Payment information]


*  Contact James Merrins, Ed.D.
Executive Program Administrator
Educational Support Services
42 Rosalyn Court, Fredonia, New York 14063
(716) 672-5473 FAX (716) 672-5472